Trusted by thousands of growing indie brands

Personalized emails for ecommerce

  • Send individualized email recommendations and content to drive existing customers back to your site
  • Upsell and Cross-sell on transactional emails like order confirmation emails and post-purchase emails
  • Ready-made email templates based on your site look and feel that insert into any email provider
Phone with emails

SMS messaging with personalized product recommendations

Phone with emails
  • Insert a personalized product recommendation in your SMS outreach to increase clicks and purchases
  • LimeSpot intelligent algorithms select the best product to recommend for each individual customer
  • Quick and easy setup with multiple SMS messaging platforms

Leverage our Idea Guide:
Email & SMS Personalization

Insert LimeSpot recommendation boxes on any type of email, including transactional emails and leverage your audience segments to send tailored emails to different sections of your customer base, based on their browsing, buying behavior, source, and more.

Phone with emails

Learn more about LimeSpot

Sign up for a demo to learn how to optimize your eCommerce experience and generate more revenue.

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