Supporting transactional and campaign emails

Increase offers relevance by presenting audience-specific discounts on product bundles.

A/B test and optimize email campaigns

Boost AOV by creating a wide range of upsell opportunities with manual or algorithm-driven bundles.

Smart data-driven recommendations

Gain insights into effectiveness of each campaign with detailed analytics and performance metrics.

Boost sales by presenting the right product bundle discounts

  • Offer discounts per product bundle
  • Target all visitors or personalize discounts for specific audience segments
  • Track performance metrics for each campaign and audience segment
  • Conduct A/B tests to measure campaign lift
Phone with emails

Dynamic pricing per Audience Segment

Phone with emails

Adjust your discounts based on:

  • The customer's lifecycle stage, including first-time visitors, returning visitors, first-time buyers, etc.
  • The customer's contexts, such as specific referrals or ad campaigns, location, device, browser, etc.
  • The customer's preferences, including product type, brands, pricing and more.

Learn more about LimeSpot

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